The Pilgrimage — Church of the Pilgrims

The Pilgrimage

It is with great sadness that we share that the Session of Church of the Pilgrims decided to close The Pilgrimage in 2020. The impact of the pandemic on travel and group activity grows with each passing week and we are unable to bridge this massive financial gap.

For 47 years, the Pilgrimage has been a vibrant ministry of Church of the Pilgrims in Washington, DC. The Pilgrimage has impacted thousands of people: youth, college students, adults of all ages, and emerging leaders in the wider church. We have facilitated experiences that stretch perspectives, encourage seeing the image of God in every person, and challenge faith to be active. We have joined God’s work in the world by educating people about the systems that perpetuate poverty and inequality. As we have shared the news with our group leaders, we have begun to hear affirmations of how significant this place has been to so many people and their formation.

Working with group leaders, students, learning partners, and social service agencies has been a rich experience for all Pilgrimage staff, past and present. We will greatly miss this work of transformation, education, and practicing faith and values through action. We have also been changed by this work alongside the groups we host.

These days we see death all around us. God is with us in our grief. Once we have lamented, we proclaim and root ourselves in the story of resurrection and new life. The Holy One is at work creating life and reminding us that death does not have the final word. Let us continue to turn our ears to hear what God is calling us to be, turn our hearts to understand how Christ is healing, and turn our eyes to see what the Spirit is doing.

May the peace of Christ be with all of you.

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