Blog — Church of the Pilgrims

Easter Flowers - Order Yours Today!

If you would like to order flowers this year to share in the sanctuary on Easter morning and to take home with you later, now is the time to make your easter order!

You can order lilies, hyacinths, and/or tulips, at $16 each.

Click here to make your payment online and in the memo line write the kind of flowers and if they are in honor or in memory of someone.

Or you can fill out this form and bring it to worship on Sunday with your check or cash.

Please submit your order and payment by April 6th.

Issues Among Us - March 29

We’re going to the Renwick!

On Saturday, March 29th at 2pm, meet at the Renwick Gallery (Pennsylvania and 17th, NW) to see their new exhibit “We Gather at the Edge: Contemporary Quilts by Black Women Artists.”

The artists featured in We Gather at the Edge honor the Black story quilt tradition with work that envisions a more just and connected world. The exhibition highlights SAAM’s recent acquisition of quilts from the collection of Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi and celebrates her legacy as the founder of the Women of Color Quilters Network. 

Click here to learn more about the exhibit.

Lent with Pilgrims and Western

This Lent, together with our friends at Western Presbyterian Church, we will be working our way through Jesus' parables in the Gospel of Luke each week. But here's the twist, we're going to put those parables in conversation with stories from our own time - from poetry, literature, art, our own lived experiences, or any other way we can imagine to tell and re-tell the story. The worship planning team would love to invite YOU to share. Sign up to be a liturgist on one of the Sundays during Lent and Erin will be glad to work with you to prepare a parable of your own to go with the lectionary-assigned parable of the day. Or, come to one of our scheduled Wednesday supper and discussion gatherings over at Western Pres (2401 Virginia Ave NW) where we'll really dig into the tales, as we dig into a fine meal, too!

Now is the time to start reading the parables, and imagining new ways to share them. Take a look at the assigned readings and consider how you might contribute this Lent! Erin would love to talk with you about it when she's back from Cuba!

Mar 9 - Luke 10:25-42 - Parable of the Good Samaritan

Mar 16 - Luke 13:1-9, 31-35 - parable of fig tree that bore no fruit

Mar 23 - Luke 15:1-32 Parables of lost sheep, coin, prodigal son.

Mar 30 - Luke 16:19-31 Parable of the rich man and Lazarus.

April 6 - Luke 18:31—19:10 Healing a blind man, meeting Zacchaeus. Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

Looking forward to spending an engaging Lent together this year.

Bruce Blanchard Memorial Service - 3/8 at 2pm


Mary Josie and the whole Blanchard family invite you to A Service of Witness to the Resurrection and a Celebration of the Life of Bruce Blanchard on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 2pm at Church of the Pilgrims. There will be a reception in the Fellowship Hall after the service. You can also watch the service online, using this link.

(Meeting ID: 821 9562 8218, Passcode: 838034)

A visitation will be held on Friday, March 7th from 4pm - 6:30pm at Joseph Gawler's Son's Funeral home, located at 5130 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Washington, DC, 20016.

Click here to read Bruce's obituary.

Please continue to hold all of Bruce's family and friends in your prayers.

Sending our Cuba Partners Off With Love - 2/16

We hope to see you in Worship this Sunday, as we'll sing and pray and be with God together. We'll also be sending off our Cuba Partners and commissioning them with our love and prayers. Folks from 3 congregations will be leaving on Monday 2/17 to visit our friends at First Presbyterian Reformed Church of Havana, sharing in their ministries and learning about their community. The Cuba partners will bring with them 15 suitcases stuffed with your donations. Thank you so much for all your support of this ministry.

Here are a few pics from Thursday night's packing party: