Contact Congress to Protect the DC Budget - Thursday 3/27 at 10am
(Or make phone calls anytime this week!)
The House is back in session and we want to make sure the #DCLocalFundsAct is one of their top priorities. Join us on Tuesday and/or Thursday this week to visit Members of the House and make sure they know what this bill is, why it matters, and how much support it has. Sign up to join us on either day at
Not able to join us for visits? Get a call script and phone numbers for our priority members at that same link above. We're working to call every single Member of the House this week before Friday and you can help us make it happen.
National Capital Presbytery is hosting bi-monthly zoom gatherings, In Times Such as Now. The series is intended to provide valued time for information sharing and colleague-to-colleague care.
The first Thursday of each month will be Listen and Pray with facilitation guided through scripture and prayer. The third Thursday of the month will be Listen and Learn sessions featuring real time updates and chances to share resources.
The Listen and Learn series is in partnership with Listen and Pray. The next zoom gathering will be with Listen and Pray on April 3 with NCP Clergy Care Team.
The schedule is as follows, always 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm with this zoom link:
Listen and Pray: 4/3; 5/1; 6/5
Listen and Learn: 3/20; 4/17; 5/15; 6/19
Meeting ID: 834 8064 2468
Passcode: 091764
If you have any questions, reach out to Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe
Come take a walk with us on Sunday 2/9 at 1pm (Meeting at Western Pres) and we’ll pray while we walk. Come and join a Mid-Week Morning Zoom Prayer Moment on Wednesday 2/12 at 7:30am (email Erin for zoom meeting info) and we’ll pray a lot. Let’s pray and take action together.
Presbyterian Church (USA)'s Office of Public Witness Signs Letter Urging Congress to work to preserve USAID.
Stated Clerk and Executive Director joins other national faith leaders in public support of sanctuary movement
Action Alert
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Washington Office has issued an Action Alert regarding Project 2025. The implementation of Project 2025 presents dangerous measures that harm the nation’s well-being. Its proposals align with several executive orders on numerous issues. Presbyterians, and all people of faith, must respond with an onslaught of pushback to ensure our voices are heard in Congress, the administration, and among the members of the President’s cabinet and staff.
Learn more:
A Day of Prayer and Action for Immigrant Families with CAN
Participate in an in-person action to support immigrant families facing violence and the threat of mass deportations. The event is being organized by the Congregation Action Network (CAN) in partnership with Faith in Action and will be held at St. Mark's (Capitol Hill) Episcopal Church (301 A Street, SE) in Washington on Tuesday, February 11 at 10:30 AM.
You can register for the in-person event here.
Prominent faith leaders from many traditions, including Bishop Mark Seitz of the Diocese of El Paso, will lead an interfaith Day of Prayer and Action in Support of Immigrant Families. Its purpose is to lift up immigrant families in prayer and show public support from faith leaders for the need to protect families and communities from being torn apart by mass deportations.
The 90-minute action will consist of 3 parts:
a public dialogue between undocumented immigrants (or their family members) who are cherished members of our communities and faith leaders, with faith leaders listening and responding, from a pastoral and th here eological frame, to the stories shared by immigrants who are at risk. A message of welcome and solidarity to counter their demonization in so many outlets these days.
an interfaith prayer service
a call to action for faith communities
Some statements released by PC(USA) and partner agencies on recent executive orders:
Church World Service: Statement on Executive Actions Targeting Refugees
Advocacy Committee for LGBTQIA+ equity lambasts a Trump executive order
More Light Presbyterian's Statement in response to Donald Trump's executive orders attacking gender diversity
Repeal of key immigration policy holds weighty implications for churches, including PC(USA) congregations
PC(USA) Advocacy Committee issues statement supporting Bishop Budde
General Assembly Committee on Representation has issued a statement on recent fear-based provocations about Diversity and Inclusion: