Ordination Service of Rachel Pacheco — Church of the Pilgrims

Ordination Service of Rachel Pacheco

0:00    Prelude: Jubilate Deo, Within Our Darkest Night, Bless the Lord, Come Thou Fount 

14:45  Opening Song: God Welcomes All

16:23  Welcome

21:02  Call to Worship

22:48  Hymn: Gather Us In

25:48  Remembrance of Baptism

31:48  Passing the Peace

32:40  Hebrew Bible Reading - adapted from Psalm 33-34

34:49  New Testament Reading - Mark 10:42-52

36:54  Biblical Reflections

45:41  Hymn: Blest Are They

49:18  Ordination Liturgy and Questions

55:55  Laying on of Hands

58:46  Declaration of Ordination, Invitation to Share Hopes and Dreams

1:01:12  Hymn: We Are Called

1:03:40  Presentation of Symbols of Ministry

1:06:07  Charge to the Newly Ordained

1:14:25  Charge to the Congregation

1:20:50  Offering and Song: God's Got A Table

1:22:26  Communion

1:33:11  Hymn: Leaning On the Everlasting Arms

1:35:40  Benediction

1:36:50  Postlude