Memorial Service for Jack Womeldorf: 4/23 at 2pm — Church of the Pilgrims

Memorial Service for Jack Womeldorf: 4/23 at 2pm

On Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 2pm we will gather at Pilgrims for a Service of Witness to the Resurrection and Celebration of the Life of Jack Womeldorf.

This. service will be held in person with masks and distancing in the sanctuary, and will be shared online via Zoom. If you would like to register for the Zoom link, please click here.

You can view or download the worship bulletin here.

Dear Friends of Jack Womeldorf at Pilgrims,

There will be a memorial service for Jack Womeldorf on April 23 (Saturday) at 2pm.  I wanted to extend my personal invitation and  thanks to each of you who made up Jack’s church family.  Jack began attending the Church of the Pilgrims in Herb Meza’s and Willy Thompson’s days in 1968 and he continued participating in Sunday school and church virtually during Covid after we moved from DC to Norfolk.  Jack died on September 26, 2021 and on that day he reminded me that he hoped to have a memorial service at Pilgrims.  We had an outdoors funeral in Portsmouth, Virginia in October but attempts to do a memorial service at Pilgrims was postponed twice by Covid.   Though Covid is still with us, we are going ahead this time.  For the safety of all, we are hoping that everyone is vaxed and boosted or else takes a rapid test on the day of the service.  Please wear a mask inside.

 I hope some of you will be able to come to the service and to the reception afterwards in the Bird Room.

Thanks to all of you for your friendship with Jack over his 53 years at Pilgrims.  The Church of the Pilgrims was a cornerstone of his life.  It was very important to him as were all of you in his church family.

 Ann Womeldorf