Issues Among Us: 2/28 — Church of the Pilgrims

Issues Among Us: 2/28

On Tuesday, Feb. 28 we will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the lobby at the MLK Branch of the DC Public Library to visit their special exhibit, "Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley: Let the World See." This nationally touring exhibit shares the story of Emmett Till's life, shares about his mother's fight for justice, and encourages visitors to consider steps in their own work for racial and social justice in their communities.

This exhibit is recommended for ages 10 and older.

After we visit the exhibit, we'll find a space at the library to gather and discuss as a group.

Click here to learn more about this exhibit.

Click here for directions and details about the MLK Branch of the DC Public Library.

This is part of our Issues Among Us Series where we go out into the community to learn from experts about the issues among us, then gather to discuss and pray over what we learned. We aim to put our faith in conversation with the problems in our community, and pray together to discern how we are called to respond. Each month we'll learn about, pray through, and act on a different issue. Click here to learn more about our Issues Among Us series.