Homecoming and a Congregational Meeting - 9/10 — Church of the Pilgrims

Homecoming and a Congregational Meeting - 9/10

Homecoming 2023 at Church of the Pilgrims will be Sunday, September 10th at 11am. With special music and liturgy, tasty snacks, a communion meal, and a little bit of business, too!

We are hoping you will bring a snack to share. We want to cover the communion table with snacks and treats and a feast of abundance. So start thinking now about what you might contribute to our table, and then plan to stay and snack after worship!

Homecoming Sunday will also be our first Sunday kicking off the year using the Narrative Lectionary. This year we’ll follow a series of readings in worship designed to give us a wide-story perspective of the whole bible in one program year - starting with readings in the Fall from the Hebrew Scriptures, spending time with the Gospels just before Christmas and through Easter, and then turning to the Epistles for Spring. Come and learn about this new approach for the 2023-2024 year!

And if that wasn’t enough….

The Session of Church of the Pilgrims has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, September 10th at 12:00pm (immediately following worship) for the purpose of acting upon the Session's recommendation to call Designated Pastor the Rev. Erin Counihan as the installed pastor of Church of the Pilgrims, and to act on the Officer Nominating Committee's report, which will include nominations for church officers for 2024.

When Erin was called as our Designated Pastor in the Fall of 2021, it was for a two-year term. With that term nearing its end, the Personnel Committee met and made a recommendation to the Session to call Erin as our installed pastor, the Session agreed and voted to call a Congregational Meeting for a vote to call Erin as our installed pastor. National Capital Presbytery's Committee on Ministry has approved Erin's current terms of call (which remain the same as set by vote of the congregation at our Jan. 29, 2023 Congregational Meeting) and our work in this process.

So it will be a big day, with big music, big business, and big fun, worshiping our big God who is still up to big things! We can’t wait to see you there!