Cuba Supply Drive - now through 2/11 — Church of the Pilgrims

Cuba Supply Drive - now through 2/11

We're getting ready to go back to Cuba! Six Pilgrims will be traveling with others from New York Avenue Presbyterian Church and Immanuel Presbyterian Church to visit Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada de la Habana (First Havana) next month!

Our Cuban friends have been living in incredibly difficult conditions, with extreme limits on basics like food, soap, and medicine. We have the opportunity to share our abundance with the First Presbyterian-Reformed Church of Havana. This year there is a shopping list through MyRegistry. All goods will be shipped directly to NYAPC regardless of where they are purchased. Similar to last year, the biggest need is for powdered milk and toilet paper. There are also options for over the counter medicines and toiletries for the elderly.

If you prefer to purchase outside of MyRegistry you can bring your donations here to Pilgrims and leave them with Erin. Funds for goods or airline baggage fees can be donated on MyRegistry. Along with the supplies we are soliciting used suitcases (that won't be returned) for trip participants to hand-carry all the donations on our flight to Havana.

Your supply drive donations will be used to stock First Havana’s medical clinic and “store,” all provided at no charge to church members and the local community. Please help us bring these items to our Cuban friends by buying supplies or making donations.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Erin or Mitch Fulton. Thank you!