CURRENT COVID POLICY — Church of the Pilgrims


COVID Policy Update - April 20, 2023

Greetings Pilgrims!

Last night (4/19/2023) our Session voted on some changes to our current COVID Policy.

After a few months of discussion and prayer, with consideration of the current CDC and City guidance and the feedback of our worshiping community, the Session voted unanimously to approve the following:

  • Masks will be recommended (not required) during worship services.

  • Masks will continue to be required for Open Table volunteers.

  • Mask wearing for small groups in the building (bible study, soup making volunteers, meetings, etc) will be up to the discretion and agreement of those small groups.

You'll see some new signs up on Sunday to help communicate this news. We'll still have masks available for anyone who would like one. And we will absolutely continue offering online worship as an option for anyone who prefers to worship remotely.

Thank you to the Session for your prayerful consideration and thoughtful leadership.


The Church of the Pilgrims Session voted this week to resume in-person worship on Sunday, Feb. 27th.

We will continue to offer a virtual option, through both Zoom and YouTube, for anyone who prefers worshiping online right now. For those who do choose to worship in the sanctuary, please wear a mask, practice good social distancing, and dress knowing that we will have the doors open during the service to increase air flow. We won’t be singing under those masks just yet, and we won’t stick around for coffee and fellowship inside, but we feel that we can be together and worship in-person safely with these precautions in place. Pastor Erin continues to watch the city’s COVID data reporting, and we are paying close attention to the updates from the Mayor’s Office as well as the CDC. If you have specific questions or concerns, please reach out to Erin or the church office. We love you and want you to be safe. And we are SO EXCITED to see you in person again soon!