Lent at Church of the Pilgrims — Church of the Pilgrims

Lent at Church of the Pilgrims

Save all the dates for Holy Week at Church of the Pilgrims:

Palm Sunday worship outside on 4/10 at 11am. If the weather is nice, we’ll meet out in front of the church!
Maundy Thursday meal and storytelling on 4/14 at 7pm in the sanctuary.
Good Friday stations of the cross will be available outside the church all week, but join us on 4/15 at noon to walk through them together as a group.
Easter Sunday worship in person and online on 4/17 at 11am in the sanctuary.

Join us on this journey through Lent.

Last month, a group of Pilgrims gathered on Zoom to discuss the season of Lent. We read a bit from Isaiah 58, and heard the words of gloom being made like the noon day (Isa. 58:10). And we discussed those moments during a gloomy day, when sunlight sneaks through the clouds, or on those days when it’s bright sunshine and still raining, or those days when the slightest little rainbow appears through the grey surrounding it. We wondered what it might be like to spend lent not just trying to notice those moments, but making those moments- bringing little glimpses of brightness, sprinkling grace and mercy around, showing up with color and joy wherever we can.

We begin. on Wednesday, March 2nd with our Ash Wednesday service in-person and online at 6:30 pm. We will create a little dust together, remember our humanity, celebrate God’s creation, and pray for God’s presence. Then we’ll continue each week in worship on Sundays, where we will tell the stories of creation and joy, of rainbow and brilliance, of God’s steadfast presence with us. You can join us for all worship services in-person and online.

We have also made available an at-home Lenten devotional, available electronically. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the devotional, please email Pastor Erin.

We hope you’ll join us for this season of Lent. We look forward to being on the journey with you.

Then in April, join us for Holy Week. We’re hoping to worship outside (weather dependent) for Palm Sunday (4/10). We’ll share a meal and some storytelling on Maundy Thursday. On Good Friday, you’re invited to come walk the stations of the cross, on your own or with a group at the noon hour. And on Easter Sunday (4/17) we’ll worship in the sanctuary at 11 a.m. with flowers, song, and joy!