Holy Week Schedule 2023

Join us for special services in April!

As we continue through our Lenten series “Meeting At the Table” we’ll gather around tables for worship, snack, and discussion during Holy Week.

On Palm Sunday (4/2) at 11am we’ll share the story of the meal at Martha, Mary, and Lazarus’ home.

On Maundy Thursday (4/6) at 6:30pm we’ll tell the story of the Last Supper, but we' won’t stop there. With an evening full of storytelling, we’ll journey with Jesus all the way through Holy Week. All are invited to bring some food to share as we do hope this evening will be a feast!

On Good Friday (4/7) we’ll have the sanctuary open with prayer stations from 11am-2pm. Come and walk the labyrinth, read the story, and pray a little.

And then on Easter Sunday at 11am, we’ll be back at tables together for one last meal together. There will be so much special music, and really great Easter breakfast, and maybe even some hidden eggs, too!

Come and journey with us through Holy Week!