May Issues Among Us - 5/18 — Church of the Pilgrims

May Issues Among Us - 5/18

May Issues Among Us: Undesign the Redline Saturday May 18th 1pm

Meet at the Cleveland Park Library on Saturday, May 18th at 1pm to tour this new exhibit about the practice of redlining in DC. Undesign the Redline is an interactive exhibit that explores the history of race-based exclusion from DC neighborhoods. The exhibit explores the history of redlining — the explicit devaluation of residential areas based on race — in upper Northwest DC and helps us understand why inequities in housing and wealth persist. How can we “undesign” these wrongs?

We'll meet in the lobby of the library at 1pm, take some time to explore the exhibit, then find a place to sit together to eat and discuss what we learn. Make sure to bring a lunch with you. Please RSVP to Erin via email if you plan on attending.

“Undesign The Redline DC” opens to the public at the Cleveland Park Library on Saturday, April 13 and runs through July 11. Learn more at the exhibit's website.

Free, public events held in connection with the Undesign the Redline exhibit will explore the racial history of upper Northwest DC and create opportunities for community-building and further discussion about how we can take action to repair the breach. View the full list of these programs here.